Friday 16 04 '10

The timing can be subject to changes
21:00Tiny Legs Tim



Rajery (pronounced: Radjery) is a living miracle and a musical genius. Rajery lost all of his fingers of his right hand at the age of one, as a result of poisoning. Not exactly a favorable scenario to become a musician. Rajery is now regarded as one of the best players of the valiha, the Malagasy bamboo harp. The valiha is a large cylindrical bamboo pipe, strung with steel strings around which produce a bright and twinkling sound. Besides musician, Rajery is also a writer, composer, singer, conductor, percussionist, actor, festival organizer and founder of his own valiha school. In 2002 he received the ‘Prix Découvertes of Radio France Internationale’. His music is soft but powerful, enchanting and almost hypnotic. Both voices and instruments are equally skillful and often used a magic unit. Rajery is accompanied by four musicians during a live concert.


Tiny Legs Tim

Tiny Legs Tim (Tim De Graeve) grew up with the tranquility and the silent adventure of the West-Flemish Heuvelland. In his childhood, he started listening to Bob Dylan and the old blues masters. He took up classic guitar lessons, and it didn’t take him long to start experimenting with the emotion-laden music of his favorites, developing his own style as he practiced. His musical career was slowly growing and maturing but has been interrupted far too often over the last five years by a radical illness. The misery of the hospitals, the thin line between life and death, the impact of the illness are now for ever present in his lyrics. His music also, is now unmistakenly coloured by these experiences. As the old blues, it thrives on a comforting cynism and shows great combativity and spirit.