Sunday 02 05 '10 -Sold Out-

The timing can be subject to changes


At home with Sophia

Dear All,

We are incredibly happy to invite you to 'At home with Sophia" - A series of very intimate solo-acoustic evenings with Robin Proper-Sheppard of Sophia.

Originally performing as a five-piece throughout their first two albums Fixed Water (1996) and Infinite Circle (1998) recent years have seen Robin Proper-Sheppard and his Sophia 'Collective' expand to accommodate as many as ten musicians on stage while promoting People Are Like Seasons (2004), Technology Won't Save Us (2007) and There Are No Goodbyes (2009). At home with Sophia will be Robins debut full-length solo-acoustic tour after nearly fifteen years of touring and, as such, should be a very special occasion indeed.

Up close and personal.

As this will probably be the first time that many of you will be getting to see Robin performing solo-acoustically our hope is that through our choice of venues and the use of a very simple home-like stage design we will be able to create an intimate and personal atmosphere for you to experience and enjoy the songs of Robin much as they were originally written.

We hope to see you there!

P.S. Song requests are being accepted now.